Coherent ultrabroadband XUV light source

Our High-Harmonic-Generation (HHG) setup NEPAL generates XUV/Soft X-ray pulses by focusing a (short) femtosecond laser into the gas target e.g. argon, neon or helium depending on the spectral photon range of interest. Moreover, single attosecond pulses can be isolated when combining our HHG setup with SAVANNA (our hollow-core fiber compressor), and our multilayer mirrors. The resulting high-harmonic spectrum is influenced by laser pulse parameters and the noble gas used. For example, few-cycle (4-5 fs) 800 nm pulses in neon can generate high harmonics up to 150 eV (8.3 nm).
The setup consists of a vacuum chamber, all necessary KF vacuum components (incl. pump) and a fully motorized gas jet target. A flexible access allows quick and easy exchange of the gas jet target. The breadboard inside the chamber is isolated from environment vibrations to improve the temporal and pointing stability of your experiment. A feedthrough for noble gas inlet is included.
Key Product Features
- High-quality vacuum chamber in KF technology
- Up to 360 µW @ 3 kHz high-harmonic power
- Oil-free turbo-molecular pumping system
- Typical operating pressure: few mbar down to <10-3 mbar. Base pressure <10-7 mbar
- Backing pressure in target: 100s mbar up to few bar
- Breadboard setup isolated from environment vibrations for improved temporal and pointing stability
- 1-50 kHz driver compatible
- ISO and KF access ports and viewports
- Thin Brewster window for minimal chirp and polarization cleaning.
- Gas jet setup for HHG (e.g. attosecond pulse generation). Quick and easy exchange of the gas target. Replacement gas jet targets can be requested.
- Gas jet mounted on a motorized XYZ translation stage
- Gas flow control by a locking valve
- Footprint 45 x 45 cm2
- Ceramic targets for better performance and durability
- Gas recycling possible
[1] XUV-beamline for photoelectron imaging spectroscopy with shaped pulses
M. Behrens, L. Englert, T. Bayer, and M. Wollenhaupt
Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 093101 (2024)