XUV Phase Retarder

Our XUV Phase Retarder AURORA functions as a quarter waveplate from 40 to 85 eV, converting linearly polarized XUV light into circularly polarized light without introducing noticeable dispersion. The design induces a quarter wave phase offset between the s- and p-polarization components of the input XUV beam, achieving close-to-circular polarization (Pc = 0.75) and over 25% transmission around 66 eV photon energy (Ni M2 /M3 edge). With a 3 mm clear aperture, our XUV Phase Retarder is ideal for integrating with ultrafast high-harmonic XUV sources, enhancing spin-sensitivity in conventional laser-based pump-probe experiments via attosecond magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) detection.
Key Product Features
- Create circularly polarized XUV light without adding dispersion (ideal for attosecond applications)
- Up to ≈ 40% max transmission (40-85 eV version)
- Up to ≈ 30% max transmission (10-40 eV version)
- Compact design, with minimum change in the delay line
- Broad spectral range covering 40 – 85 eV (high-energy version or 10 - 40 eV (low-energy version)
- Entrance and exit iris diaphragms for alignment
- Easy to implement in existing setups
[1] Light-wave dynamic control of magnetism
F. Siegrist, J. Gessner, M. Ossiander, C. Denker, Y. Chang, M. Schröder, A. Guggenmos, Y. Cui, J. Walowski, U. Martens, J. K. Dewhurst, U. Kleineberg, M. Münzenberg, S. Sharma, M. Schultze
Nature 571, 240 (2019)